B is for Ballpoint Breakthroughs!!!

B is for Ballpoint Breakthroughs!!!

Today in honour of the letter B, I am talking about Ballpoint Breakthroughs - the new course I have created! I am so excited about sharing this with you. My desire to create this came after I saw the transformative power of writing in my life personally. Now I want to share that with you, so that you can develop a writing habit that can change your life.

One of the biggest lessons I learned over the past 2 years is the power of writing. It started when I started my blog 2 years ago. I was approaching my fortieth birthday, and I wanted to start a blog. I wanted to reflect on my life so far. But I also felt a little bit lost, and wasn’t sure what I wanted the next steps to be in my life. I had a feeling that I had more gifts to share with the world, but I didn’t know what they were or how I was going to find them and share them. So I started my blog and as a topic, I decided to write 39 lessons I learned before I turned 40. Within months, I had completed that project and I honestly noticed a number of powerful shifts occurred during that process. The process about writing the lessons I learned allowed me to look at situations which may have felt negative at the time and see the good that came forth from those experiences. It allowed me to forgive and remember more fondly people who I felt had wronged me, and also to forgive myself. It allowed me to see my life differently in the present moment, and made me less afraid to fail - knowing that lessons will come out of it. And it allowed me to look optimistically to my future. This self discovery led me to reframe experiences and beliefs. Completing that project skyrocketed my confidence in my own ability to finish what I start, and to improve at the things I work consistently at. Since then, I have written those lessons and so much more. Blogging consistently led to me writing 2 books in 1 year - fulfilling lifelong dreams. And the shifts I made through writing also allowed me to let go of perfection, and sharing my stories allowed me to feel empowered in ways that I haven’t before.

After writing my book last year, I wished that everyone could experience the transformative power of writing. Writing, blogging, journalling - these have led to the biggest breakthroughs I have had over the last 2 years, and I want to share that with those who are ready to experience a more empowered life, and have their own ballpoint breakthroughs.

That is why I created this course to take you through the process. Women who feel that things in their past are holding them back, who want clarity, who want more connection and to experience more confidence in life - writing is a key to unlocking so many of these things. You do not need to write a blog or a book, you simply need to commit to writing about your life, and watch the transformation that occurs. I found the courage to share my stories with others. To self-publish my book. To become more visible. I set and achieved my goals. I transformed so much through writing and you can too!

Are you ready to experience your own ballpoint breakthrough? Click here to get on the list to receive more information about it and hear about my 5 day challenge! I look forward to working with you and hearing about your transformation!!!

And I send you big love from a small island!